Thursday, May 04, 2006

Montana Memory Project, what's in it for you.

As Jason Clark, Steve McCann and I found out, digitization continues to be a very popular topic for Montana librarians. And scare resources in terms of funding, staff or volunteer time and equipment continue to be daunting challenges that must be overcome.

The Montana Memory Project is a growing working group of librarians committed to bringing to life a statewide digital initiative. At this time the work group would like to hear from you. Do you have content that you would like to digitize? Do you have the resources you need to create and publish digital content? If not, what do you need to make this a reality for you?

If this topic is of interest to you and your library please feel free to share your comments and concerns here.

Also please remember to comment on this topic and all the goals and objectives presented by the State Library. Online comments may be submitted at:

Jennie Stapp

1 comment:

Steve McCann said...

Just to concur repetitively, please send in your comments to the above business plan form. The more feedback they get, the more likely we'll be funded.